Friday, October 9, 2009

Nicole & George!

I found myself upstate for Nicole & George's wedding a few weeks ago. I have been spending so much time at the beach that it felt strange driving north! I'm glad I did though, because it was a super fun night. I mean there any other way to describe the wedding of a couple who had their 1st dance as husband & wife wearing Shreck ears?? Nicole & George know how to party, and they hired Mike Warren from "Just Kidding Around", one of my favorite local DJ's to rock their big party.

It rained all day, so that put a damper on the outdoor shots that Nicole was hoping for, but we managed to squeeze in a few. Despite the rain, the wedding & the reception were both a smashing success, and I think that Nicole & George had the time of their lives.

Your proofs are already in Nicole, so I'll be seeing you very soon!

Nicole Ogle aka Mrs. Shrek said...

Thanks, so much for the compliments on the wedding & I am so glad you came "north" to shoot our wedding too. Thanks again for all the great shots!
You are very welcome Nicole - Keep in touch!! ~ Beth

1 comment:

Nicole Ogle aka Mrs. Shrek said...

Thanks, so much for the compliments on the wedding & I am so glad you came "north" to shoot our wedding too. Thanks again for all the great shots !