Sunday, August 3, 2008

Megan & Monty...

(Click on the image to enlarge)
Normally it takes me a few days of editing before I am ready to post a few wedding pictures on my blog, but this morning as I was doing a preliminary review of Megan & Monty's wedding, there was one picture that really screamed for immediate attention. This lovely lady is their daughter and served as just about the cutest flower girl I have ever seen (and I have seen some seriously CUTE flower girls). Although I took tons of pictures of her throughout the entire day, this one really sums up her true personality...she is a spitfire, a show stopper, the life of the party. When it was her turn to walk down the aisle, she burst thru the doors and yelled "TA-DA!!!!!!!". She was pretty sure that the whole day was about her.

Oh yeah, and Megan & Monty had a lovely wedding too.

Seriously, it really was a lovely wedding. Megan & Monty were both gorgeous, and I very much enjoyed spending the day with them and their super nice families. I will post a shot of them in a few days.

Have a safe honeymoon guys!