Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Emily & Brandon!!


Last Saturday took me back to the beach area, to the Lewes Yacht Club to be precise. Emily & Brandon have been planning their perfect beach wedding for quite some time now, and I have to say that all of their efforts paid off big! Earlier in the week the father of the bride had been telling a friend to keep their fingers crossed for good weather (the forecast was looking quite iffy) & the friend told him about an old tradition that they had employed in the past with much success. The old wives tale was to bury a bottle of whiskey near the ceremony site to insure great weather for your wedding day. Not wanting to leave any stone unturned, Emily & Brandon went out on the beach and buried their bottle, marking the spot with a rock. We'll may never know WHY, but they DID end up having a beautiful, low humidity sunny day, and a perfect sunset to segway into the evening!

It was a pleasure to work in conjunction with Emilys mom Barbara (thanks for the lovely center piece!!), Make My Day Event Planning & The Funsters. I think that Emily & Brandon had the wedding that they had been dreaming of, complete with their sparkler waving guests escorting them across the street for their surprise boat exit.

Enjoy your honeymoon guys...your proofs will be in very soon.
Beth - these photos are remarkable! We love working with you and hope to again soon! Leanne & Casey ~ Make My Day Event Planning

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Michelle & David

What a difference a day makes! Saturday was dark & stormy (but beautiful for a wedding none the less!), while Sunday was a gorgeous, low humidity day featuring a brilliant blue sky & an abundance of fluffy white clouds! A perfect day for some beachy engagement pictures!

I will be shooting Michelle & Davids wedding in October - back at one of my favorite places, The Indian River Life Saving Station. Can't wait - it's going to be a GREAT day!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Amanda & Jason at Indian River!

YIKES!! So...the weather that the Delaware beach area had on Saturday was not exactly what most brides hope for as they plan their perfect beach wedding, but Amanda & Jason totally rocked it! On Friday we were all preparing to put "Plan B" into motion. I could hear the disappointment in Amanda's voice when I spoke to her late Friday...but I could also hear some hope - apparently Amanda is not a quitter. The final decision was made only 4 hours before the beach ceremony was to take place...the wedding in the sand was on!
So, with umbrellas in hand & lots of prayers said, we all headed out the the beach in spite of the ominous dark clouds. The beach at Indian River is sporting a new look thanks to the last few storms we have had (sometimes Mother Nature giveth & sometimes she taketh away! ) but I have to say...with the contrasty clouds in the sky and the huge crashing waves behind them, I do believe that Amanda & Jason had one of the prettiest wedding ceremonies ever!
After the ceremony was over & most of the formal portraits were done, the 3 of us walked a little bit on the beach while we shot their bridal portraits. Amanda, being an avid collector, noticed right away that the storm surf had drug in lots of beautiful shells...we even found a starfish! I imagine many of the treasures Amanda & Jason picked up on their wedding day will decorate the Clemens household for many years to come.
I spent a wonderful evening with Mandy & Jason's warm family & friends (a special shout out to Uncle Bob, who I just adored) - they were all having so much fun that they made it easy to take TONS of great pictures.
Enjoy your Jamaican honeymoon Mr. & Mrs. Clemens, and your proofs will be ready VERY soon!!
Please feel free to leave a comment here for me!
Hi Beth!Jason and I cannot thank you enough for the phenomenal photographs! Every time I look at our pictures it brings tears to my eyes because they are so absolutely beautiful! You captured every moment of our day flawlessly! It was a real pleasure to share our wedding day with you…and I know many of our guests felt the same :-) Thanks again!!~Mandi and Jason
And you thought that you weren't good at getting your pictures taken!? You were a natural Mandi, one of my very favorite brides of all time, not to mention VERY photogenic & beautiful. I love that you love your pictures so much! I really did have a great time working with you guys. I will be talking with you soon!!