Monday, May 26, 2008

Kelly & Brian were such a fun couple...

...very relaxed, happy people, who seemed to thoroughly enjoy their wedding day. I very much enjoyed being a part of their special day and getting to know their families, particularly Kelly's mom, who is just the nicest lady.

Here is a page that I actually created for my own studio sample, but when Kelly saw it she loved it so much she asked me to duplicate it in *her* own panoramic album. Enjoy Kelly & Brian!
Kelly Tinsley says:
Beth, the albums are wonderful, perfect, better than I could have ever imagined they would be!!! Brian and I love them so much!! The panoramic album is so cool and the pictures look so good! Everyone who has seen the album just rants and raves over how neat the panoramic pages are!!! I just can't thank you enough, you did a beautiful job! People keep asking me "oh, who did your pictures, they look so good" and I say "Beth Stephens, she's awesome!" Thank you, again, so much!
~~Kelly Tinsley

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